Black-capped Chickadee

The shot was unfortunately focused on the branch instead of the bird, but I’m pretty happy with it considering that the camera was on top of my head and I couldn’t even see the bird. (I was in an observation hut and the window frame was in an inconvenient place for this shot.)

I hope to get a focused version of this shot one day~

This is a black-capped chickadee, or Poecile atricapillus.

Photo taken: Feb. 14, 2021

Black-capped Chickadee

Even though it’s not a baby anymore, it still has a bib~
(That black patch from its chin to its chest is apparently called a bib.)

This is a black-capped chickadee, or Poecile atricapillus. Their chick-a-dee calls can be extended to warn of danger, even using 23 dee’s for pygmy owls.

Photo taken: Nov. 28, 2020