Eastern Pondhawk

“It’s MY droplet of water!” — this dragonfly, probably

This is an eastern pondhawk, or Erythemis simplicicollis. Also called the common pondhawk, they’re named for their hawk-like agility in the air, even able to catch damselflies on the wing. They’re typically 36-48 mm in length; I personally prefer this graphic of its size compared to a human hand (except it’s just the hand).

Photo taken: July 4, 2021

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

It sorta looks like it has a O‿O face, doesn’t it?

This is a female twelve-spotted skimmer, or Libellula pulchella. All twelve-spotted skimmer have twelve black spots — three on each wing — but adult males also have eight white spots — one between each of their black spots. This is a female and not an immature male, however, judging by the yellow stripe running down its side.

Photo taken: Jun. 20, 2021

Widow Skimmer

Thanks for sitting tight for a few seconds~

This is a widow skimmer, or Libellula luctuosa. They’re called that because the males (shown above) will ditch the females once the eggs are laid, making her a widow(?). The logic is *a bit* interesting…

Photo taken: Jun. 20, 2021


Bless these guys, eating so many mosquitoes.

This is a dragonfly. I have no idea what kind of dragonfly it is, since I don’t know how to tell them apart, but I can at least be certain that it isn’t a damselfly, since those rest with their wings closed.

Photo taken: Sept. 6, 2020