
“… On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eleven pipers piping …”

This is a sanderling, or Calidris alba. While the lyrics above from the English Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” arguably refers to either the instrumentalists or Jesus’ 11 faithful apostles, Farmers’ Almanac claims it could easily be interpreted as “referring to the shore birds, pipers and peeps”, and sanderlings are a type of sandpiper, so I’ll take it.

Merry Christmas!

Photo taken: Jan. 2, 2021

Sandstone Bluffs

A glimpse of the sunset before the desert storm.

I had a different camera a few years ago, so the quality is a bit lower compared to the other photos posted thus far. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the shot and the experience!

Photo taken: Apr. 7, 2018