Northern Flicker

It’s quite the geometric bird, isn’t it?

This is a northern flicker, or Colaptes auratus. Also known as the common flicker, it is the only woodpecker that frequently feeds on the ground, with ants accounting for about half of their entire diet. For this, rather than wood-pecking, they drill into the group and break into the ants’ underground nests to get the larvae.

Photo taken: May 23, 2021


I’m AvianTL and I’m new to this sort of thing, so please treat me well~

One of my hobbies for the past few years has been photography, mostly of nature. In past years, I would only ever take my camera out when on vacation, as I never went anywhere else that would be reasonable to bring a camera to, but SARS-CoV-2 changed that pattern. Vacations were completely out of the question and even leaving the house became worryingly rare, so it became a sort of necessity to just get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. And so began my adventures with the nature close to home, which I had yet to explore. However, here, there aren’t as many big and majestic animals to speak of as there might be across the country or in a different continent, so I turned to the trees and focused my attention on the birds I could find.

Every now and then, when I feel like I got some nice shots, I send them off to a friend and, recently, they told me that I should publish my photos somewhere. Now, I don’t think my photos are nearly good enough to be published on their own, nor do I get enjoyable shots anywhere near frequent enough to create an interesting blog or something similar, so I decided to add another aspect to this site: translations.

I read a lot of works translated from Japanese to English and there was one story in particular that I wished would continue. At the moment, I plan on releasing at least one chapter a week up until where the author has stopped writing. That said, I know basically no Japanese whatsoever, so I will be relying on machine translators and editing what they spit back at me. In this way, the newer chapters will be translated, but they might lose their difficult-to-translate cultural flare. Nonetheless, I will try my best to deliver a worthy product to those who wish to read my translations.

Thank you for giving me your time and see you soon!